I bought an eggplant. I like eggplant when I get it at restaurants, so I thought I could make something, so I bought an eggplant. I had it for almost a week and had found a few recipes that I thought about, but I had no idea how to cook eggplant.
I settled on this recipe-
Spinach & Eggplant Casserole. I gathered my ingredients, and I read up on tips for cooking eggplant. I found
this tip about salting the eggplant on both sides, letting sit for an hour in a colander, and then rinsing. It's supposed to add flavor.
It was time to make the recipe. I do not cook exactly according to a recipe most of the time. This was no exception.
I cut up the eggplant (then later cut them up more, and wished I had cut them up even smaller). I added salt, but probably should have let the eggplant sit for longer in the salt. The next step was roasting the eggplant. I decided to use a smaller casserole dish, so I used less ingredients than the original recipe called for. I put the oven on low broil, and roasted the eggplant coated in olive oil.
I am impatient, so I probably should have let this cook for longer, and possibly less eggplant in this dish to cook more thoroughly.
Next I steamed frozen spinach. The recipe called for fresh spinach, but I have an abundance of frozen spinach that I needed to use.
The original recipe did not call for meat, but I thought I would add ground turkey.
After roasting the eggplant, I added ground turkey, spinach, mushrooms, a roma tomato, and spaghetti sauce. I did not measure anything, but added based on what I had, and what I thought would be good. I then topped it with pizza shredded cheese (mozzarella & Cheddar mixture).
Then I put it in the oven to cook on 375 for about 20 minutes.
It looks very tasty, and I think it would have been better had the eggplant been cooked a little more. I like spaghetti sauce, so that added lots of flavor, but overall this dish did not have as much flavor as I would have liked.
I plan to try this recipe again, and I will update to tell you what I did to hopefully make it better. If you try this, let me know what you did, and how you liked it.
I had leftovers, so today I decided to heat some up for lunch, but wanted more flavor. I decided to add cottage cheese, a little salt, pepper, and basil flakes. I warmed it up in the microwave, and it was SO GOOD! Next time I think I will add cottage cheese when I bake it, and make sure that I cook the eggplant more thoroughly. I might add more salt, pepper, and other seasonings, but I think the cottage cheese is what gave this leftover dish added flavor and more yumminess!