Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Summer Break begins!

Today was the last official day of school for teachers.  I'll be venturing back to school throughout the summer, but not every day, and most days it won't be as long as a school day.  Summer break is much needed for students and TEACHERS!

This summer I will continue working out (adding running and P90X3 to my normal Jazzercise classes) and eating healthy (for the most part, as I've been doing for a few years), but I will be trying a new recipe almost every day that I am in town.  If you have a recipe you think I should try out, leave me a comment with the recipe or shoot me an e-mail at diannawolf@gmail.com.

I tend to take recipes and change them a bit to fit what I like, so you'll see that in my blog, as well as tips and things that did not work well for me.  I'm not a master chef, but I enjoy cooking, and I am hoping to find some easy healthy recipes that I can keep using when school is back in session and time is scarce.

I haven't decided on a recipe for tomorrow's blog, but it is likely to have old-fashioned oats in it!  I hope you'll try something new with me!

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